
Jordan Kent

Cynthia Duncan

Brittni VanderMolen

Kelli Flack

My journey as a nursing educator is driven by a profound passion for both healthcare and education. I am dedicated to shaping the next generation of nurses, instilling in them the knowledge, skills and values necessary to excel in this profession. Guiding the nursing students through their educational journey allows me to play a crucial role in building the foundation of their nursing careers. Read More

Lauri Sells

Assistant professor of nursing education Lauri has almost 20 years in nursing practice, starting out as a medical-surgical nurse on a renal unit. She also has worked in intensive and urgent care, but worked the majority of her time in emergency nursing. She believes she can use her experience and knowledge… Read More

Amanda Haverhals

Apart from the essential nursing skills and knowledge, I hope nursing students at Morningside embrace the broader mission and values that extend beyond the classroom. I hope to cultivate a life-long passion for the field of nursing as they will need to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the profession. Read More

Sharlene Georgesen

I love the students at Morningside, the opportunity to watch a student grow in their thinking skills, their ability to apply new knowledge to situations and build on what they already know. I like having the students in class early in their academic career as sophomores and then again as juniors and seniors. Read More

Mary Kovarna

I love the enthusiasm for learning knowledge and skills shown by our nursing the students. Read More

Lori Doeschot

Associate professor of nursing education Lori has a great wealth of nursing and nursing education capabilities. She has taught in nursing for more than 30 years in a variety of settings. Her students appreciate her expertise and ability to teach complex topics in clinical practice.  She also works as a… Read More