Faculty & Staff
Showing 451–475 of 499

Stephanie Vonderahe
Adjunct Faculty
Eugene C. Eppley Fine Arts Building (EP) 122
712-274-5270 (Office)

Tyler Walker
Visiting Assistant Professor
Performing Arts
Eugene C. Eppley Fine Arts Building (EP)
712-274-5207 (Office)

Frank Wallace
Head Track & Cross Cntry Coach
Hindman-Hobbs Center (HC) 108
712-274-5334 (Office)

Karen Wascher
Circulation Manager/ILL
Learning Center
Hickman-Johnson-Furrow Learning Center (LIBR) 100
712-274-5245 (Office)

Alex Watters
Alumni Engagement Director
University Engagement
Krone Center (KC) 114
712-274-5036 (Office)

Bruce Weaver
Physical Plant
Physical Plant Building,Print Shop, Mail Room (FAC)
712-274-5116 (Office)

Heath Weber
Dean of School of Visual & Performing Arts
School of Visual & Performing Arts
MacCollin ClassroomBuilding (MC) 200
712-274-5514 (Office)

Stacy Weiland
Custodial Manager
Physical Plant
Physical Plant Building,Print Shop, Mail Room (FAC)
712-274-5574 (Office)