Faculty & Staff
Showing 101–125 of 499

Hannah Dutcher
Marketing Coordinator
University Engagement
Krone Center (KC) 110
712-274-5108 (Office)

Marilyn Eastman
Accounting and Business
Robert M. Lincoln Center (LC) 110
712-274-5498 (Office)

Bryan Farris
Head Men's & Women's Swim Coach
Hindman-Hobbs Center (HC) 103
712-274-5367 (Office)

Kelli Flack
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Nursing
Buhler Rohlfs Hall (BR) 312
712-274-5482 (Office)

Michael Freeman
Assistant Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Institutional Advancement
Lewis Hall (LH) 219
712-274-5464 (Office)

Ross Fuglsang
Associate Professor
Multimedia Communications
Hickman-Johnson-Furrow Learning Center (LIBR) 116
712-274-5129 (Office)

Adam Fullerton
Library Director
Learning Center
Hickman-Johnson-Furrow Learning Center (LIBR) 101
712-274-5247 (Office)

Andre Gagnon
Boiler Operator/Plumber
Physical Plant
Physical Plant Building,Print Shop, Mail Room (MAINT)