Faculty & Staff
Showing 201–225 of 499

Angela Keller
Assistant Professor
Nursing Education
Buhler Rohlfs Hall (BR) 313
712-274-5157 (Office)

Angie Keller
Undergraduate Nursing

Annie Kinwa-Muzinga
Professor & Department Head
Applied Agriculture & Food Studies
Buhler Rohlfs Hall (BR) 112
712-274-5326 (Office)

Allison Kirby
Admissions Communication Coordinator
Lewis Hall (LH) 106
712-274-5237 (Office)

Bonnie Kleinhesselink
Accts Payable/Business Analyst
Business Office
Lewis Hall (LH) 100
712-274-5132 (Office)

Jayne Koch
Adjunct Faculty
Performing Arts
MacCollin ClassroomBuilding (MC) 216
712-274-5323 (Office)

Katherine Koithan
Student Experience & Retention Coordinator
University Engagement
Krone Advising Center (KAC) 112
712-274-5033 (Office)

Lisa Krohn
Admin. Assist. to President
Office of the President
Lewis Hall (LH) 118
712-274-5100 (Office)