Looking to be a leader in the development of engaging STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curriculum and meaningful, 21st century learning environments for elementary and middle school STEM learners? A MAT in STEM education may be of interest to you.
Program Details
Cost per credit
A Great Fit For
- Educators who want to learn how to more effectively deliver STEM curriculum.
- People looking to take on leadership role.
- Critical thinkers and innovators.
Orientation to graduate education programs and readiness for online learning to be completed during the student’s first semester of enrollment. Expectations related to scholarly writing skills are introduced.
Overview of approaches to educational research and pertinent educational theoretical frameworks. Students will examine the role of action research in their practice.
Identify and review scholarly literature, critically evaluate research, and develop skills to write an effective literature review related to topics in STEM education.
Students examine the systematic design feature of action research, with a focus on selecting effective data tools and creating an implementation plan for a research project.
Students examine evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of action research data, as well as designing strategies for instructional adjustment and re-evaluation.
Using foundational methods of design and analysis, students conduct action research related to STEM education. A capstone research project, including a review of literature, a systematic inquiry of a research problem, implementation of an intervention, analysis, and interpretation of data, and reflection for instructional adjustment.
Expands the use of technology tools in teaching situations and includes an action inquiry project using a technology-infused solution. Discusses issues related to technology and its use in schools.
Examination of socio-cultural concerns and ethics related to educational foundations with emphasis on contemporary issues influencing curriculum, pedagogy, inclusion, human relations, educational policy, and social justice.
- EDTE 552 (2 cr): Basic Math and Measurement for the Educator
- EDTE 553 (2 cr): Algebra for the Educator
- EDTE 554 (2 cr): Geometry for the Educator
- EDTE 560 (2 cr): Earth Science for the Educator
- EDTE 561 (2 cr): Life Science for the Educator
- EDTE 562 (2 cr): Physical Science for the Educator I
- EDTE 563 (2 cr): Physical Science for the Educator II
- EDUC 588 (2 cr): STEM (STREAAM) for the Talented and Gifted Learner
- EDUC 840 (3 cr): STEM Engineering & Technologic Design for the Educator
- EDUC 841 (3 cr): STEM Curriculum Development
- EDUC 842 (3 cr): STEM Materials and Methods
EDUC 853 (2 cr): STEM Earth & Space Science for the Educator - EDUC 854 (2 cr): STEM Physics for the Educator
- EDUC 855 (2 cr): STEM Chemistry for the Educator
- EDUC 856 (2 cr): STEM Number Theory for the Educator
- EDUC 857 (2 cr): STEM Statistics for the Educator
- EDUC 858 (2 cr): Geometry for the Educator (STEM)
- EDUC 859 (2 cr): STEM Computer Programming for the Educator
- EDUC 860 (2 cr): Algebra for the Middle School Teacher
- EDUC 864 (2 cr): Physical Science for the Middle School Teacher
- EDUC 866 (2 cr): Life Science for the Middle School Teacher
- EDUC 868 (2 cr): Earth Science for the Middle School Teacher
- EDUC 871 (2 cr): Basic Math and Measurement
Additional Program Details
About MAT: STEM Education
- Gain a thorough of understanding of pedagogy in STEM education and instructional materials. Topics include project-based learning compared to problem-based learning, mathematical modeling and computational reasoning, instructional strategies for inquiry, instructional strategies for an inclusive classroom, and classroom management in project-based classrooms.
- Expand your opportunities for advancing your work STEM education while enhancing your skills in areas such as engineerings and technologic design; earth and space science; statistics; physics; and more.
- Enjoy the flexible advantages of earning a degree 100% online, allowing you to work and maintain your personal and professional aspirations.
- Take advantage of opportunities to gain practical experience that can be immediately applied in the classroom.
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Contact Us
Morningside University
Sharon Walker School of Education
1501 Morningside Avenue
Sioux City, IA 51106