The Transformative Leadership DNP track is for nurses who are enrolled in Morningside's Clinical Nurse Leader track or already hold a MSN degree. Students will first earn a master's of science in nursing and then transition into the Transformative Leadership DNP track. The post-master's to DNP track is designed for nurses who hold a MSN degree and function or seek roles in systems/indirect care delivery positions, which includes, executive leadership, nursing administration, health informatics, health policy, public health, nurse educator, and quality/safety, among others. Transformative leadership is an advanced nursing role that drives healthcare change through participatory collaboration, mobilization of collective action and systemic transformation. The transformative leader ignites the quest for robust evidence to produce optimized interventions and measurable individual and population healthcare outcomes. This advanced nursing role inspires synergy through clear and articulate communication to create visionary approaches to healthcare delivery that benefit all participants.
Program Details
Cost per credit
Term Length
Fall Term (8 credits)
NURS 945 Leading Clinical Prevention & Population Health (3 cr)
NURS 955 DNP Project I (3 cr)
NURS 970 Transformative Leadership Role Integration I (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Spring Term (8 credits)
NURS 950 Organizational & Systems Leadership (3 cr)
NURS 956 DNP Project II (3 cr)
NURS 971 Transformative Leadership Role Integration II (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
May Term (3 credits)
NURS 930 Applied Epidemiology (3 cr)
Summer Term (7 credits)
NURS 709 Health Care Policy & Advocacy for Individuals & Populations (2 cr)
NURS 957 DNP Project III (3 cr)
NURS 972 Transformative Leadership Role Integration III (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Fall Term (8 credits)
NURS 715 Quality, Safety, Informatics within Health Care Systems (3 cr)
NURS 958 DNP Project IV (3 cr)
NURS 973 Transformative Leadership Role Integration IV (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Fall Term (5 credits)
NURS 945 Leading Clinical Prevention & Population Health (3 cr)
NURS 709 Health Care Policy & Advocacy for Individuals & Populations (2 cr)
Spring Term (6 credits)
NURS 950 Organizational & Systems Leadership (3 cr)
NURS 715 Quality, Safety, Informatics within Health Care Systems (3 cr)
May Term (3 credits)
NURS 930 Applied Epidemiology (3 cr)
Summer Term (7 credits)
NURS 955 DNP Project I (3 cr)
NURS 970 Transformative Leadership Role Integration I (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Fall Term (5 credits)
NURS 956 DNP Project II (3 cr)
NURS 971 Transformative Leadership Role Integration II (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Spring Term (5 credits)
NURS 957 DNP Project III (3 cr)
NURS 972 Transformative Leadership Role Integration III (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Summer Term (5 credits)
NURS 958 DNP Project IV (3 cr)
NURS 973 Transformative Leadership Role Integration IV (2 cr., 125 practice hours)
Additional Program Details
Students must achieve a total of 1,000 practicum hours between their master’s degree transcript and DNP coursework (500 hours are built into the role integration practicum courses). A GAP Analysis will be used to determine program requirements.
The MSN-DNP consists of a total of 34 credits, 26 from the DNP core and eight (8) from the Transformative Leadership track. One day of onsite residency is required for DNP project dissemination and competency demonstration.
You may select the BSN-MSN to Transformative Leadership DNP pathway. In this pathway students earn a master’s of science in nursing in the Clinical Nurse Leader focus area then move into the TL-DNP program. BSN-MSN-CNL to DNP is a total of 69 credits.
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Contact Us
Morningside University
Nylen School of Nursing & Health Sciences
1501 Morningside Avenue
Sioux City, IA 51106