Morningside in Italy is a semester long program for Morningside students and professors that combines classroom study and research with the experiential learning opportunities of Italy. You pay regular Morningside tuition, fees and housing, plus an additional program fee that covers airfare and excursions. Additional time is provided for independent travel. A flexible fulltime Morningside curriculum (16 hours) allows a choice of prefixes and academic levels, while fulfilling a variety of general education requirements.
Students with a US passport may study in Italy for up to 90 days. No complicated visa application is required.
Featured Activities
- We begin with a visit to Rome including the Coliseum, Forum, Trevi Fountain, Vatican and select museums.
- Day trips to nearby cultural and archeological sites such as Neapolis, Agrigento, Palermo, Catania and Mt. Etna.
- Community involvement including service activities, sports, craft workshops and cultural exchanges.
- Regular long weekends and a week long spring break allow for independent travel in the region.
Why Italy
- Live and study on the historic and picturesque island of Ortigia in Syracuse, Sicily.
- Housing in the historic Palazzo Borgia includes weekly cleaning, towel and linen change.
- Buy fresh local fruit, vegetables, bread and fish at a daily open air market.
Morningside students of all class ranks are eligible to apply, there is a minimum GPA of 2.5. The application requires recommendations from your academic advisor and one other Morningside faculty or staff.
Non-Morningside students may also apply, they must be at least 18 years of age and have one semester of college.