Biomedical Sciences


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At Morningside University, our Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences provides a solid foundation for students aspiring to enter professional healthcare programs, including medical, dental, physician assistant, and veterinary schools. As a small private university, we pride ourselves on offering a customizable educational experience. You will have the opportunity to engage in independent research and experiential learning, allowing you to tailor your program to your unique interests and career aspirations.


Biomedical Sciences (B.S.)


A Great Fit For

  • Students interested in continuing their education in a professional healthcare field such as medical school, dental school, etc. after earning their bachelor’s degree at Morningside
  • People who enjoy problem-solving and are adaptive and analytical.
  • Those who possess a high aptitude for math and science.
  • Individuals interested in identifying solutions through research, streamlining processes, or creating efficiencies.
  • Anyone interested in a career or further education in a life sciences field.



You will have the opportunity to attain specialized skills while gaining experience in your potential career through an internship or summer research internship. Focus on a particular area of interest while working closely with faculty or site supervisors.


You will have the opportunity to travel regionally, nationally, and even internationally for professional conferences, industry field trips, or May Term courses. Travel grants and special scholarship eligibility may be available.


Experience the sense of discovery as you conduct original research with our faculty in their areas of expertise. By conducting original research, students will have their chance to make their marks in areas such as chemistry, microbiology, cell biology, ecology, computational modeling, synthesis/analysis of polymers, nutritional biochemistry, or environmental chemistry.

Emphasizes measurement, stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, gas, liquid, and solid properties and descriptive properties in the context of biomedical sciences.

An introduction to the study of organismal structure, function, and classification, with selected (evolution, ecology) conceptual topics.

The study of the structures of the human body from the cellular level to organ systems, with primary emphasis on names and positions of body structures. This course is fundamental to the biomedical sciences major.

A seminar discussion of current topics in biology and chemistry with emphasis on student oral and written presentations of library research projects. Students will utilize knowledge gained in science research courses to inform opinions and apply ethical principles.



student/faculty ratio so you’re assured a quality education focused on you


employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation


majors & pre-professional programs available

Still looking for the right fit? Check out some additional program options that we think might interest you or are often paired with this program. You can also view the programs page to keep exploring your options.


Aaron Bunker

Aaron Bunker


Aaron’s Profile

Anni Moore

Associate Professor

I love teaching at Morningside because I get to work with amazing students, teach them about the great world of microbiology, guide many of them through research projects, and see them graduate and go on to do good things in the world. As an educator, I cannot think of anything more rewarding!

Anni’s Profile
James Stroh

James Stroh


James’s Profile
Chad Leugers

Chad Leugers

Associate Professor

Chad’s Profile
Kurt Spearing

Kurt Spearing

Associate Professor

Kurt’s Profile

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