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Biopsychology will allow you to blend coursework from biology, chemistry, and psychology to investigate the neurological foundations of behavior and mental processes in humans and animals. Study focuses on the neural mechanisms of behavior and cognition, evolutionary development of the nervous system, and mechanisms of nervous system and psychological disorders.


Biopsychology (B.S.)


A Great Fit For

  • Acute problem-solvers who are adaptive and analytical.
  • Active listeners who have an inquisitive nature.
  • Those who possess a high aptitude for math and science.
  • Individuals interested in research-based practices and monitoring progress.



Morningside is nearly unmatched in its ability to provide you with an internship placement. Internships provide you with a chance to combine your knowledge and skills with projects that will help you grow and prepare for your career or graduate school.


You will have the opportunity to travel regionally, nationally, and even internationally for professional conferences, industry field trips, or May Term courses. Travel grants and special scholarship eligibility may be available.

Research & Active Learning

Research is at the core of Morningside’s psychology curriculum. You will have the opportunity to engage in research that allows you to understand fundamentals as well as explore topics that interest you. Students have the opportunity to conduct Alzheimer’s research through the biology department or biopsychology research measuring galvanic skin response and heart rate in the psychology department.


This course covers fundamental concepts in neuroscience including the cellular anatomy and physiology of neurons, the gross anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system, and the function of important cognitive processes including learning and memory, attention, executive planning of movement, and the integration of sensory information. Perspectives from numerous disciplines outside of biology will be incorporated into these topics.


A study of the psychological dimensions that apply to forensic and legal settings.


A review of the principles and techniques of neuroscience. Topics include neuron structure and function, the visual system and perceptual processing, food and water regulation, the biological basis of learning and memory, brain damage and neuroplasticity, and neurological disorders.


This research course stresses student involvement in all phases of simple human experimentation. Experiments are designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported.


An emphasis, enables you to specialize in a specific area within your chosen field of study, providing you with in-depth knowledge and a competitive edge in the job market post-graduation.



student/faculty ratio so you’re assured a quality education focused on you


employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation


majors & pre-professional programs available

Still looking for the right fit? Check out some additional program options that we think might interest you or are often paired with this program. You can also view the programs page to keep exploring your options.


Jack Hill

Jack Hill


Jack’s Profile
Jessica Pleuss

Jessica Pleuss


Watching students develop from their first day on campus through to their senior year is a real privilege, and knowing I have a small part to play in that transformation is incredibly rewarding.

Jessica’s Profile
Jessica LaPaglia

Jessica LaPaglia

Associate Professor

I love the people at Morningside. Interacting with students and colleagues is always a highlight of my day.

Jessica’s Profile

Shannon Claxton

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

I love working at Morningside because the small class sizes create a dynamic and engaging learning environment where I can connect with each student on a personal level. I also love having the opportunity to collaborate with psychology honors students on their own research projects.

Shannon’s Profile
Chad Leugers

Chad Leugers

Associate Professor

Chad’s Profile

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