Food Safety


Join us for Mside Madness IX, as we come together to support our students on March 19 through March 20 GIVE TODAY

Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our community, offices will be closed today, Wednesday, March 19. We hope to resume normal business hours tomorrow, March 20.





Morningside’s location in Sioux City and the tri-state region places us in the heart of one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world. Both our Siouxland location and the number of businesses in the area with ties to agriculture have made the Morningside University Regina Roth Agricultural and Food Studies department a critical regional resource. This program is designed for non-agriculture majors to enhance their understanding of the agricultural sector.


Food Safety


A Great Fit For

  • Non-majors who want to understand aspects of agriculture.
  •  Those who want to prepare for a wide range of career opportunities.
  • Those who are interested in and enjoy learning about food, nutrition, and policies.
  • Enjoying the opportunities and advantages of being a student at a small private college that allows you to immerse yourself in your education and get involved in unique experiences more quickly.


Hands on Learning Environment

You'll have access to our 3,300 square-foot state-of-the-art greenhouse, the 76-acre Lags Learning Farm, campus garden, Cargill Outdoor Classroom, and more to give you hands on experience outside the classroom preparing you for success.

Externship Program

Our externship program allows you to participate in a paid, semester-long externship in Sioux City, greater Iowa or beyond and work side-by-side with management and production teams doing real agriculture in the real world.

Career Opportunities

Morningside graduates of the agriculture and food studies program have gone into careers at Tyson Foods, Palmer Candy Company, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, regional cooperatives, and more.


This course provides students with an awareness of the food protection risks that are a function of food quality and safety challenges through an applied analysis of current and historic food processing industry methods. Focus is applied to pre-harvest food safety in livestock and produce production systems.


In this course, students will build an understanding of food safety requirements within the United States Food Safety Modernization Act. This will include the theory and implementation of HACCP within food safety management systems.


The study of bacteria and other microorganisms, with focus on their morphology, metabolism, genetics, growth and interactions with their hosts.


An introduction to epidemiology, the study of the health of populations and the spread of disease within populations. Basic epidemiologic principles and techniques will be covered, and then applied to a student-designed service learning project aimed at improving the health of the Siouxland population.



As a Regina Roth Agricultural and Food Studies student, you’ll learn how different agricultural production and business systems affect crop yield, farm profitability, soil health, and models of long-term sustainability.  You’ll also have access to our state-of-the-art facilities giving you hands-on experience for the real world.

Agriculture Major Morningside University

Still looking for the right fit? Check out some additional program options that we think might interest you or are often paired with this program. You can also view the programs page to keep exploring your options



student/faculty ratio so you’re assured a quality education focused on you


employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation


majors & pre-professional programs available


Thomas Paulsen Professor & Dean of Agriculture and Aviation Applied Agriculture & Food Studies

Thomas Paulsen

Professor & Dean of Agriculture and Aviation

Thomas’s Profile

Annie Kinwa-Muzinga

Professor & Department Head

Annie’s Profile
Keren Brooks

Keren Brooks

Assistant Professor

Morningside is full of students, faculty, and staff who seek, not only a great educational experience, but also to build and sustain communities. It is exciting, rewarding, and encouraging to work in an environment that is dedicated to uplifting others.

Keren’s Profile
headshot of Dee McKenna

Deanne McKenna

Experiential Learning Coordinator

Deanne’s Profile
Melissa Nelson Internship/Externship Coordinator Applied Agriculture & Food Studies

Melissa Nelson

Internship/Externship Coordinator

Morningside feels like home to me. I know that sounds cliche, but it truly does. As a rural, small town kid, I love the sense of community that is felt through every aspect of work and life at Morningside University. I love getting to know my students and helping them on their path to a career that they will love and succeed in.

Melissa’s Profile
Headshot of Dan Witten

Daniel Witten

Associate Professor

I love working in the close knit environment that Mside provides. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make connections.

Daniel’s Profile

Next Steps


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Lewis Hall Illustration