Legal Studies


The Legal Studies minor at Morningside University is designed to provide students with a strong understanding of the law and the legal system while complementing your major. This interdisciplinary program equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a variety of careers, offering a rich curriculum that covers topics such as constitutional law, criminal justice, and legal ethics. Ideal for students with an interest in law, politics, or public service, the Legal Studies minor enhances critical thinking, logical reasoning, and effective communication, positioning students for success in law school and beyond.


Legal Studies


A Great Fit For

  • Detail-oriented: A successful legal studies minor will have a keen eye for detail, as even the smallest nuances in legal language can significantly affect the interpretation and application of laws.
  • Strong analytical skills: The ability to analyze complex information and draw logical conclusions is crucial in the field of law. This includes dissecting legal texts and making connections between different legal concepts.
  • Excellent communication skills: Effective written and verbal communication skills are essential for anyone in legal studies, as they’ll need to articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively.
  • Ethical and responsible: A person pursuing legal studies should have a strong sense of ethics and responsibility, as the knowledge they gain could be used to impact people’s lives and society at large.



Opportunities exist for you to take on an internship that pairs your major with your Legal Studies minor.


You will have the opportunity to travel regionally, nationally, and even internationally for professional conferences, industry field trips, or May Term courses. Travel grants and special scholarship eligibility may be available.

Research & Active Learning

Research is encouraged and celebrated at Morningside. You may choose to study alongside a professor, pursue independent research, or participate in events such as the Palmer Research Symposium.



This course is an introduction to the United States legal system and processes. Topics discussed in the course include: the relationship among the legal system, government institutions and society; basic legal procedures and concepts; an introduction to selective substantive areas of the law (family, criminal, torts, contracts) and contemporary public legal issues such as racial discrimination, affirmative action, patient’s rights, embryo research, DNA databases, internet regulation.


This course covers the areas of law that routinely and significantly have impact on business decisions: contracts, torts, intellectual property law, cyber law, international law, and agency law. The course focuses primarily on the law itself, but also introduces the student to the legal system, attempts to help students understand the philosophy underlying a particular law in order to anticipate change, encourages consideration of ethics in business decision making, and promotes critical thinking skills.

This course covers the areas of law that routinely and significantly have impact on business decisions: contracts, torts, intellectual property law, cyber law, international law, and agency law. The course focuses primarily on the law itself, but also introduces the student to the legal system, attempts to help students understand the philosophy underlying a particular law in order to anticipate change, encourages consideration of ethics in business decision making, and promotes critical thinking skills.


This course is intended to develop and refine various interdisciplinary skill sets such as performing targeted, efficient research, team centered problem solving, oral presentation and persuasion. Students will receive basic instruction regarding civil and criminal law, with an emphasis on litigation, as typically practiced in the United States.


This is a basic introduction to logic which uses formal models of logic to enhance an ability to find, analyze, and evaluate arguments. In addition, the course identifies common logical fallacies and cognitive biases and explores logically relevant aspects of standardized tests, such as the LSAT, MCAT, and GRE.


This course studies contemporary international law through the study of cases and selective international treaties. The topics of the course include the evolving role of the nation-state in international law, the rise of the individual and non-governmental organizations in international law. Additionally, we will study the United Nations and a selection of intergovernmental regional organizations within the context of contemporary events.


Lillian Lopez

Lillian Lopez


Lillian’s Profile


Still looking for the right fit? Here are some additional program options that we think might interest you or are often paired with this program. You can also view the programs page to keep exploring your options.

Counseling Psychology

General Psychology

Gender Studies

Nonprofit Management

Political Science



student/faculty ratio so you’re assured a quality education focused on you


employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation


majors & pre-professional programs available

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