Transferring Credits


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Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our community, offices will be closed today, Wednesday, March 19. We hope to resume normal business hours tomorrow, March 20.




Students On Rynder's Plaza



Credits earned at regionally accredited colleges or universities may be transferred to Morningside.

However, only courses where you earned a C- (1.7 on a 4.0 scale) or better will be accepted as part of the general studies, major, minor, or cluster requirements. Please note that some state and national accreditation agencies require some programs to have higher minimum standards, such as nursing.

Courses that you completed and earned less than a C- may be used for elective credits only.


Failing grades will be calculated to determine financial aid status but will not be transcribed.

Courses and corresponding grades eligible for transfer will be listed on the Morningside transcript, but will not be included in any grade point average calculations.

Quarter hours (0.25 hours) do not transfer to exact semester credits. To determine how quarter hours may fit in, students may need to consult with the Registrar, Dean of the University, and relevant academic department chair.

Credits earned at non-accredited institutions may be considered for transfer on a case-by-case basis, and the student will be expected to provide any necessary documentation like a syllabus, course materials, instructor qualifications, etc.

However, most credits earned at proprietary schools (such as business, technical, vocational, and trade schools) will not transfer to Morningside.

A maximum of 94 semester credits in transfer will be accepted toward an undergraduate degree.

A maximum of 62 semester credits will be accepted from an accredited two-year community or junior college.

No more than 16 semester credits (24 quarter hours) of technical or vocational courses will be accepted toward a baccalaureate degree.

Once a student reaches junior standing, only courses at 200 level or above from a four-year accredited college or university will be accepted for transfer credit.

Courses that satisfy general studies or major/minor requirements in each Morningside degree program must be equivalent in methodology, subject matter, level of instruction, and requirements to the same, or similar, courses at Morningside.

The Registrar will determine equivalency by consulting with the Dean of the University and the chairs of academic departments within which the courses are offered for credit.

Courses submitted as transfer credit for open electives are not subject equivalency evaluation. They are, however, subject to approval by the Dean of the University and the Registrar.

You must meet the minimum of 124 semester credits required for a baccalaureate degree from Morningside University.


It takes five minutes or less to apply for undergraduate enrollment. To get started, complete the following 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Fill out the free application below.
  • Step 2: Request your transcripts from your high school, or request your GED or HSED record. 
  • Step 3: Request a transcript from each college you have attended.
Student Sitting In Library Laughing