“One of the reasons I picked Morningside was because I wouldn’t have to stress over what major I would have to pick right away. When I found out about the X Path program, I thought it was very beneficial for me and my mom. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. Through the X Path program, I was put in a couple of classes and in the classes, I realized that I enjoy education because I’m a lifelong learner, and I want to show kids how to get through hard times.

I’m from a small town called Laurens, Iowa and wrestled in high school. I was also in show choir and student council. Coming to Morningside allowed me to expand my horizons. Outside of being a part of the wrestling program here, I am in student government, a part of Woo Crew, a student ambassador, and am in choir. I love sharing the joy that our community has, and as a student ambassador, I like seeing new people and trying to help them become comfortable with campus.

I want to be a principal as a long-term goal, but right now, my focus is on elementary education and to teach at that level for a while. One day, I’m going to have these students that may come in, and I don’t know what goes on at home or how they’re going to be feeling, but I like to have my day start with positivity, and I feel like that will translate to the next person. That positive energy makes my day better and makes their days better too.

Gratitude changes everything, and I start at every day by telling myself to relax and move one step at a time.”