W. S. Lewis Society


Join us for Mside Madness IX, as we come together to support our students on March 19 through March 20 GIVE TODAY

Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our community, offices will be closed today, Wednesday, March 19. We hope to resume normal business hours tomorrow, March 20.




Three Students Looking Over Campus At Sunset


The W.S. Lewis Heritage Society honors individuals and families who have placed Morningside University in their estate plans or made a gift to the endowment. It is named in recognition of Bishop Wilson Seeley Lewis, former President (1897-1908), who in 1903 established the College Endowment Fund.

Membership in the W.S. Lewis Heritage Society is by written confirmation of your deferred gift arrangement. Qualifying gifts include wills, trusts, life insurance, IRA’s, retirement plans, current gifts to endowment, or life income arrangements.

In joining the W.S. Lewis Society, you affirm the dream of Bishop Lewis whose vision has led to a current endowment valued at $56 million. Morningside University will continue to be a viable educational institution with the continued support of our current benefactors.


Michael ’72 & Linda (McFarlane) ’72 Alexander

Gene Ambroson

Gary ’61 & Terri Anderson

Anonymous (3)

Larry ’65 & Joan (Errett) ’67 Arnold

Dr. Craig ’70 & Sandy ’70 Bainbridge

Carole Beck

Bob ’63 & Margaret ’63 Bell

Mike & Margie Bennett

David Blair

Jonathan ’01 & Stacy Blum

David ’58 & Bonnie Bogue

Mary Ann Bolton

Lynne (Erickson) Boulden ’74 & Dennis Boulden

Muriel (Lambert) Briggs ’48

Lucy Y. Buhler ’56

Dr. J. Robert ’70 & Christine Burkhart

Diane Bushyager ’62

G. Ray Bushyager ’67

Douglas Lee Camarigg

Matt ’98 & Stacey Campbell

Charles Carlberg ’69

John Gregory ’67 & Joan Everly ’68 Clark

Joe Clausen ’65

Jon ’64 & Anne Cleghorn

Warren Conner ’60

John Connor II ’66

Carolyn (Wolle) Cox ’47

Bob ’87 & Sandy (Popenhagen) ’73 Craig

Dr. Larry Crummer ’71 & Bill Oman

Gretchen (Bottom) Dalzell

Barbara Danger ’67

Charles ’66 & Virginia (Landman) ’66 Danish

Deane Davenport ’72

Dr. David ’76 & Diane (Hantsbarger) ’76 Davidson

Gary Davis ’65

Nancy (Nelson) DeMeyer ’76

Judith Dirks ’59*

Rev. Msgr. R. Mark Duchaine

Josh & Anne Ellwanger

Michael ’72 & Carolyn Ellwanger

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Engle

William Enockson ’51

Paul K. Erbes

Mick & Pam Everett

Beverly (Tucker) ’71 Fest & Bruce Fest

Jan Rouse Finnegan ’67

Dan L. Flanagan ’69

Carol (Loken) Forbes ’70

Jerry Foxhoven ’74

Mike & Mary Freeman

Mark Freerks ’79

Janice (Lingebach) Galli ’76

Mark ’82 & Robin (Nilson) ’82 Gambaiana

Jan (Deemer) George ’77 & Ted George

Donald Gimberline

Von Dell Glaser ’53

David Gould ’75

Dr. Tyrone Greive ’65 & Janet Rayburn Greive

Lucille (Pippett) Hakala ’41

Troy Hames III ’81

James Hamilton ’53

Margaret (Wood) Hancock ’54                                                                        

James ’69 & Miriam Hanke

Randy ’72 & Becky Hansen

Claris Hanson

James ’69* & Carol (Seagren) ’72 Hanthorne

Janis ’99 & Daryl Harrison

Linda (Readout) Harward ’81 & Gary Harward ’64*

Larry ’66 & Marybeth Heikes

Dan ’71 & Sue (Roberts) ’72 Henderson

Richard & Mary Hettinger

Shirley Hewlett

Max ’62 & Judy (Daniels) ’64 Hill

Dave Honeck ’75

Robert Hoover ’71

Jerry & Carol Israel

Timothy ’71 & Betty Jackes

Donna (Haafke) Johnson ’58

Ron ’79 & Kathy Jorgensen

James & Mary (Rogers) ’68 Kaplafka

Richard ’71 & Frances (Radtke) ’71 Keith

DeWitt ’59 & Phyllis (Mackintosh) ’60 Killam

Harry ’65 & Marlys Kitts

Robert G. Knowler

Suzanne (Andresen) Kolbo ’15

Robert Koshkarian ’68

John & Nancy (Cummings) ’79 Lawrence

Arthur Leiby ’73

Sherri Levers ’81

Barbara Lewison ’86

Aaron ’93 & Peggy Lukken

Dennis ’68 & Karen ’72 Lumphrey

Brett Lyon ’04

Dr. Esther Mackintosh ’69

Nick ’03 & JJ (Benson) ’03 Marlow

Charles Martin ’76

Charles ’67 & Patricia Mason

Larry Mason ’73

Doris Mauer*

Russell McComsey ’75

Gary ’62 & Kathy (McComb) ’63 McConnell

Michael & Jan (Sellen) ’72 McGrane

Jennifer McNeil, MD

John ’52 & Janice (Haupt) ’51 Mechem

Bonnie ’64 & Donald Messer

Robert Meyer ’50*

Darlene (Froehlich) Miller*

Ervin Miller

Dr. Earl* & Joyce Moore

Marjorie (McCracken) Morrell ’70

Thomas ’70* & Carol (Dahl) ’71 Narak

James ’80 & Susan ’81 Nelson

Jon D. Nelson ’78

Sharon K. Nelson

Steven Nelson ’74

David Nielsen

Sharon* & Donna Ocker

Mark O’Connell ’85

Russ ’76 & Robyn (Reckert) ’76 Olson

Ron ’73 & Stephanie O’Neal

Mark Packard ’73

Doug & Cathy Palmer

David Patch ’82

Gary ’63 & Beverly Peterson

Margaret (Lohr) Phelps ’55

Barbara Pitts ’70

Audrey (Smeins) Poppen ’59

John Prast ’65

O. Nelson Price ’51

Khalid & Terrie Rasheed

John & Robin Reynders

Tom & Paula Rice

Randal ’77 & Julie (Grassman) ’81 Richardson

Cory A. Roberts, MD, MBA ’90

Donna Roeper

Leo Roepke ’59

Tom Rosen ’70

Marcelene Saylor

Jill Seinola ’74

Ed ’65 & Jane (Shrader) ’70 Sibley

Pamela Miller-Smith ’79

La Vone Sopher ’79 & Randy Bradley ’91

Rosalee (Jacobson) Sprout ’60

Rod ’74 & Ginger (Doidge) ’74 Stemme

Dick ’68 & Carol (Border) Stone

Don ’61 & Diane (Huntsinger) ’63 Taylor

Nick & Trace Taylor

Patricia (Kirkhofer) Thompson ’53

Dr. Mark ’69 & Linda (Stark) ’69 Titus

Carlton Tronvold ’61

Stephen ’67 & Theresa Ullman

Peggy Vagts ’76 & Mark Miller

Jim ’70 & Sharon ’70 Walker

James ’59 & Joyce (Fry) ’61 Weaver

Philip Webb ’81

Karen Wiese ’97

Korey Willnauer ’74

Connie Horton Wimer ’54

Mike ’07 & Kari (Bull) ’03 Winklepleck

Gregory ’74 & Kristine (Linn) ’74 Winneke

Ronald Yockey ’70

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Lewis Hall