Though unfortunate, the recent college admissions scandal has sparked some important conversations about college admission. Most marked in those discussions is the disproportionate focus on elite colleges and universities in the schema of higher education.

Though unfortunate, the recent college admissions scandal has sparked some important conversations about college admission. Most marked in those discussions is the disproportionate focus on elite colleges and universities in the schema of higher education.

You aren’t going to find a college admissions scandal at a place like Morningside College. Nor will you find mega endowments, single digit acceptance rates, and the constant shine of the national media spotlight.

You will find, though, that a Morningside education offers some pretty incredible returns to our students and the Siouxland region.

Earning your bachelor’s degree remains the single best way to a more prosperous future. From the Pew Research Center to the Bureau for Labor Statistics, the data shows that individuals who earn a bachelor’s degree make an average of $1 million more in their lifetime than high school graduates. That’s why fit – not the name of the college – is so important.

Experience matters. That is at the heart of what we do at Morningside College. Getting accepted is only the start. What counts is that a student successfully reaches graduation and moves on to their next chapter.

At Morningside, we are excellent at helping students find success – so much so that we guarantee it through our XP Guarantee.

As for employers, the vast majority tell us that the quality of the person who earned the degree, the kind of experiences a prospective employee had in college, and how prepared they are for the next chapter after graduation far outweighs the name of the college on their degree.

Fortunately, Morningside College has students like that in spades – more than half of whom choose to remain in the Siouxland area after graduation.

 Morningside also has a strong reputation with business and industry. Over and over, our students prove that they are exactly the kind of talent employers want. Ninety-nine percent of Morningside College graduates get jobs or move on to graduate school within six months of graduation. That success continues long after graduation, too. So much so that our alumni put us on Forbes list of Grateful Grads because they continue to see the value of their Morningside degree throughout their lifetime.

Plus, our students aren’t afraid of hard work. They study. Work multiple jobs. They go abroad and travel. They are part of performances, fine arts programs, student organizations, and athletic competitions. They secure Fulbright scholarships and win national championships. They take advantage of the many opportunities that the small college experience offered at Morningside affords them.

In response to that hard work from students, our faculty and staff work equally as hard to make sure our students have what they need to be successful. The end result? Students who earn their undergraduate degree from Morningside College, then move on to their next chapter and a more prosperous future.

Elite colleges and universities certainly have a place in the schema of higher education, but so do places like Morningside. Morningside College is proud to be a vital resource for talent, knowledge, and opportunity in our Siouxland region and beyond. We are even more proud of the students, alumni, faculty, and staff who make that possible.