Athletic Spectator Changes
A message from President Reynders regarding athletic spectator changes as of September 14, 2020.
Morningside is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our faculty, staff, and students above all else. Throughout our reopening process, we have worked hard to develop guidelines and processes designed to keep the campus as safe as possible.
Overall, our community has adhered to the changes put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Events ranging from commencement to move-in have gone remarkably well and guidelines have been followed.
The home opener football game this past weekend was the first time we have encountered resistance to the guidelines. There was clear disregard for the policies in place, and a number of individuals who were in attendance have expressed their disappointment. We share that sentiment.
Due to the issues we experienced and to do our part to ensure the safety of the campus community and beyond, we are immediately modifying our spectator guidelines.
New Spectator Guidelines, Effective Immediately
Morningside extends its appreciation to our students, fans, and all those who complied with guidelines. Please accept our apology if you experienced a less than optimal game day experience this past Saturday.
We want to stress that adhering to the guidelines in place on campus is the best way to ensure we will be able to continue with in-person learning, athletics, and activities. Please follow face covering guidelines and take care to wear face coverings correctly. Be mindful of physical distancing. Practice good hygiene. Stay home when you are not feeling well or are sick.
John Reynders