Read the Weekly COVID-19 Update from October 13, 2020. 

First, thank you to everyone who attended the Homecoming football game this past Saturday and helped contribute to a safe and positive atmosphere. This was a far different experience than our last home game. Thank you.

Dashboard & Operating Level
The latest dashboard numbers can be found here and historical data is here. You can see the latest trends report for Woodbury County here.

Our numbers on campus remain lower; however, hospitalizations in the area hit a new high last week, and Siouxland District Health continues to see a high number of cases. Due to these variables outside of our campus community, we will remain in Operating Level ORANGE.

Should on-campus case numbers remain steady next week, our intent is to return to Operating Level Yellow mid-week next week. It’s worth noting that your efforts to wear masks and follow guidelines have helped us reach this point. Even if we should return to Yellow, please continue to follow guidelines so we can remain there the rest of the semester.

Change to Face Covering Policy Regarding Gaiters
As you know, public health recently changed their guidelines to stipulate that individuals in close contact with one another and properly wearing masks for the duration of an exposure to someone who tests positive for COVID-19 no longer need to quarantine for 14 days.

Last week, Siouxland District Health alerted us that individuals exposed to someone with COVID-19 wearing a neck gaiter instead of a mask would be required to quarantine for 14 days because public health does not consider them a proper face covering. With that said, please be advised that neck gaiters are not considered a proper face covering by public health.


  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Respect the rules of quarantine and/or isolation.
  • Communicate with Campus Nurse Judi Neswick if you are a student and are ill. Employees should alert Human Resources Director Cindy Welp.
  • Remember that the on-campus Test Iowa site is available for COVID-19 testing.
  • Wash your hands. Frequently.
  • Physically distance from others.
  • Practice self care, and care for others in the community by following the guidelines.
  • Follow occupancy guidelines in the residence halls.
  • Avoid large gatherings and limit being in close contact with others (less than six feet, longer than 15 minutes).

Be well,