Chris Spicer, an assistant professor of mathematics at Morningside College, recently presented a talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul, South Korea.

Chris Spicer, an assistant professor of mathematics at Morningside College, recently presented a talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul, South Korea.

The talk, “A Cohen-Kaplansky Domain Construction,” was based on a paper written with Jim Coykendall, a professor of mathematics at Clemson University, which answers a question in a branch of mathematics known as factorization theory. Originally posed in an article by I. S. Cohen and I. Kaplansky in 1946, the question asks whether or not a specific type of domain exists using a connection to the Goldbach Conjecture. This conjecture states that every whole number larger than 2 can be the sum of two prime numbers.

Spicer came to Morningside in fall of 2009. He won a Walker Faculty Excellence Award from Morningside College in 2011. He received his doctorate from North Dakota State University.