Frances Cairncross, a British journalist, economist and academic, will give a lecture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, in the Yockey Family Community Room of the Olsen Student Center as part of a weeklong scholar-in-residence program at Morningside College.

Frances Cairncross, a British journalist, economist and academic, will give a lecture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, in the Yockey Family Community Room of the Olsen Student Center, 3609 Peters Ave., as part of a weeklong scholar-in-residence program at Morningside College.

Cairncross will speak on “Five Global Trends That Have Influenced the 21st Century.” The lecture is free and open to the public.

Cairncross spent most of her career as a journalist, mainly at The Guardian as an economic commentator, and then at The Economist as a senior editor. She then spent a decade as head of Oxford University’s Exeter College. Since leaving Oxford in 2015, she has been chair of the trustees of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, one of Britain’s oldest technical universities, and chair of the Development Trust of the Natural History Museum. She is currently interim director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research.

Cairncross will be at Morningside College as a Council of Independent Colleges Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow because Morningside College received a grant from Humanities Iowa to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Pulitzer Prize. While on campus, she will address various classes regarding journalism, writing, economics and global trends.