Heather Reid, professor of philosophy, recently had two articles published in the book “The Olympic Idea Nowadays.”

Heather Reid, professor of philosophy at Morningside College, recently had two articles published in the book “The Olympic Idea Nowadays.”

The first article, “Amateurism is Dead: Long Live Amateurism,” discusses how the Olympics have shifted from amateurism to commercialism. Reid argues that the commercialization of the Olympics has allowed a more diverse group of people to compete, but the games still must work toward promoting intrinsic values as opposed to fame and fortune.

The second article, “The Letter and the Spirit in London and Sochi,” challenges the notion that ethics and fair play simply mean following the rules. It gives examples where athletes did not break any rules but acted unethically and examples where they did not follow a particular rule but acted honorably.

Reid is a specialist in ancient philosophy and the philosophy of sport. She has published six books related to sports philosophy and the Olympics. She received her master’s degree and doctorate from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.