Stephen Coyne, professor of English, recently had a short story accepted for presentation at the North American Review Bicentennial Conference at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.

Stephen Coyne, professor of English at Morningside College, recently had a short story accepted for presentation at the North American Review Bicentennial Conference at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.

Coyne will read his short story “Smoke and Dew” during a session on new short stories at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 13, in Bartlett Hall 1000.

The conference will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the North American Review, the oldest literary magazine in the United States. Presenters for the event include notable writers from around the country and the world.

Coyne has had many poems and short stories published throughout his career, appearing in the North American Review and other journals, such as The Southern Review, The Georgia Review, The New England Review, and Prairie Schooner. He has received awards for his writing from a number of publications.

Coyne joined the faculty at Morningside in 1988. He teaches American literature and creative writing and serves as faculty adviser for Kiosk, the college’s literary magazine.