Morningside College is one of 159 colleges that The Princeton Review has named to the “Best Midwestern” section of its website feature “2016 Best Colleges: Region by Region.” The Princeton Review has designated Morningside as a “Best Midwestern” college every year since 2003.

Morningside College is one of 159 colleges that The Princeton Review has named to the “Best Midwestern” section of its website feature “2016 Best Colleges: Region by Region.”

The Princeton Review has designated Morningside as a “Best Midwestern” college every year since 2003.

Colleges The Princeton Review selected for its annual “Best Midwestern” list are located in twelve states: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. The Princeton Review chooses the schools based on institutional data it collects and results of surveys completed by students at the schools.

The “Best Midwestern” list is located here.

The Princeton Review also designated 225 colleges in the Northeast, 126 in the West, and 139 in the Southeast as best in their locales. The Princeton Review does not rank the 649 colleges named in its regional lists.

The Princeton Review is a nationally known educational services company.  It is not affiliated with Princeton University.