Arts At Morningside


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Marching Mustangs Band At Half Time


The Arts are a celebrated discipline at Morningside, providing a rich and vibrant platform for students to express their creativity and explore their passions. We believe in the transformational power of art and its ability to shape perspectives, provoke thought, and inspire change.

student playing saxaphone in the band

Instrumental Music

Ensembles are open to any student, regardless of major. You have the opportunity to be apart of a tradition that began over 100 years ago with the opening of the Conservatory of Music. Scholarships are also available upon audition!

Choral Music

The choral music program maintains a strong regional, national, and international presence through annual touring. In addition, yearly participation-based choral music scholarships are available to students from all areas of study.

Visual Arts

From graphic design and photography to studio arts and opportunities to present and attend exhibitions at the on-campus gallery, exploring the visual arts at Morningside can enhance your college experience and give you a new perspective on art in your personal and professional life.


Our theatre program has been highly regarded in recent years for producing well written, designed, and directed productions. Many of these productions have been student-written and directed, as well as being nominated for awards in acting, lighting, and set design.


The Morningside University School of Visual and Performing Arts provides immersive opportunities for Morningside students and the Siouxland community to experience the power of music and the fine arts. All Morningside students, regardless of major, can audition and perform in ensembles and productions.

Christmas At Morningside 2022 Performance