Here at Morningside, we understand that students are often in need of health and wellness services. We work to provide our students with on-campus care, including the use of nurse practitioners, campus doctors, and a personal counselor. All sessions are completely confidential and there are also fitness centers around campus where students can attend to their physical wellbeing.
Student Health Center
Morningside offers a Student Health Center in the bottom of Olsen Student Center where students can go to receive medical help.
Student Counseling Center
Located in the lower level of Olsen Student Center, all counseling is offered in a safe, confidential setting with an objective person whose goal is to listen and advise.
Student Fitness Centers
Located throughout campus are several fitness centers that are free of charge for students to use.
Intramural Sports
Intramural Sports are free and are offered during both the fall and spring semesters
Campus Ministries
The campus ministry at Morningside University exists to help students, faculty, and staff, along with members of the surrounding community, “find their path and share in their journey.”