Student Health Center


Morningside offers a Student Health Center in the bottom of Olsen Student Center where students can go to receive medical help. With a nurse practitioner and campus doctor available, our health center allows students to take care of their physical health from the comfort of campus.

Student Health Center Services & Resources

  • Services to students who are registered for 9 or more hours and have paid the health fee
  • No extra charges to see the doctor or nurse practitioner while on campus
  • Allergy Shots (during the doctor’s hours)
  • Flu shots in the fall
  • Services for men’s and women’s health issues
  • Electronic massage chair 
  • CPR Classes
  • First Aid supplies and services
  • Health information, brochures, and resources
campus nurse checking students ears

Submit Forms

Submit your Student Health Form and Immunization record for admission.

Schedule Massage Chair Session

Electronic Massage Chair with simultaneous Light Therapy Box. Relax and rejuvenate for a few minutes! A definite “stress buster”.