Morningside offers a Student Health Center in the bottom of Olsen Student Center where students can go to receive medical help. With a nurse practitioner and campus doctor available, our health center allows students to take care of their physical health from the comfort of campus.
Student Health Center Services & Resources
- Services to students who are registered for 9 or more hours and have paid the health fee
- No extra charges to see the doctor or nurse practitioner while on campus
- Allergy Shots (during the doctor’s hours)
- Flu shots in the fall
- Services for men’s and women’s health issues
- Electronic massage chair
- CPR Classes
- First Aid supplies and services
- Health information, brochures, and resources

Health Center Hours
Hours are subject to change.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
7:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday
7:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Submit Forms
Submit your Student Health Form and Immunization record for admission.
Schedule Massage Chair Session
Electronic Massage Chair with simultaneous Light Therapy Box. Relax and rejuvenate for a few minutes! A definite “stress buster”.