Information Technology


Join us for Mside Madness IX, as we come together to support our students on March 19 through March 20 GIVE TODAY

Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our community, offices will be closed today, Wednesday, March 19. We hope to resume normal business hours tomorrow, March 20.




IT help desk staff helping student



The Department of Information Technology coordinates the computer and network resources for the Morningside University campus community.

Student at IT Help Desk with another student looking at a computer.

Technology Highlights

Students have access to technical support through the IT Help Desk. Morningside provides every full-time undergraduate student with a laptop computer (Apple Mac Book or Lenovo Windows).

  • Two-year technology refresh: We offer a two-year technology refresh, so students receive a brand-new computer before their third year at Morningside!
  • Wireless campus: Morningside offers high-speed wireless connection access across campus enabling students internet anywhere on campus.
  • Print stations: Full-service print stations are available around the campus, along with color printers available in Olsen Student Center and Buhler Rohlfs Hall. 


Contact IT for help and support

  • (712) 274-5544
  • Location: Roadman Hall Central Hallway
  • Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. M-F